long time, long time not updating this space. The work in times of crisis we must devote more time and developments in my personal life are the main reasons for not doing so. But I do not think a day goes by that does not think "this might be interesting for the blog" and sometimes even mentally write the first paragraph, without ever becoming an entry.
However, this pause has also been a good opportunity to listen to the world from which it can sometimes feel disconnected and forget about their existence and transformations. So trying to see what has changed in my environment, I reread those blank looks that have been left in this space.
A cursory reading makes me think the dynamic that drives the world remains the same, the news is the same:
- fears
- mutating name, but always hidden behind idealized identities or fragile securities, now
- summer time in Europe, the owners are the same (beware of the heat, "becomes the sun and the beach," the problem of tourists "...)
- fear what is different does not change,
- thanks to the crisis there is a consensus on the need to change the model, but gives the impression that we hope that this change does not affect my daily life and much less the possibility that you pass this juncture, we can buy what they want regardless of what we need,
- although many are still some very obvious truths, there are still some who do not we see only two colors (black or white): immigration, guerrillas, Uribe, Obama Europe, "capital or death,"
- football and the circus that is mounted on its environment is still the opium of the people in Colombia
- still present the same argument to "belt out" in which neither the one nor the other, we realized that while we cry, the others will die (in the jungle or on the street),
proofread in this space is like a déjà vu of very long-winded and the question remains the same: What sense does this space? ...
* Thanks to LFPH from Cartagena (Colombia) who was the trigger for this seudoentrada.