Thursday, October 28, 2010

Why Ladies Wear Nylons

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Sunday, October 17, 2010

How Much Is A Cryst Removal

De Zoociedades to companies, there is only a book away

several months, whenever I hear politicians, media "Experts" (well capitalized and in quotes) or the driver of the day, talking about how wonderfully wonderful the European society in relation to other cultures, especially those that migrate, I remember the Bandar-log monkeys "The Jungle Book" .

Kipling describes these monkeys as a group of animals that live in a ruined temple that they considered irrefutable proof of its superiority against other animals and, therefore, among other reasons, unrelated to the rest animals of the jungle. They are a very advanced zoociedad not even need laws or memory (do not have neither one nor the other). They do not remember beyond the immediate past and live in the present simple. They say they are superior and the fact they say is true. Mogwli, seeing the way they behave, think you were bitten by Tabaqui, the Jackal, whose bite transmits the dewanee (madness).

This is what they call the Bandar-log to Mogwli:

"" We're big, we are free, are admirable. The most wonderful people there in the jungle, we are. Everyone says that, where follows that it must be true shouted. But this is the first time you can listen and certainly have occasion to repeat our words the people of the forest to that in the future to notice us, so we say as regards our valuable people. "

" Mowgli did not object to anything in this. The monkeys, several hundred gathered at the terrace to listen to their speakers. They sang praises of the Bandar-log, and how often one of the speakers was silent for a moment to catch their breath, others shouted to unísno "

" - Very true! this is also our opinion! "
When I read that, I was reminded of the views, statements and actions through Europe against immigration (from Berlusconi to Merkel, through France, Spain, Belgium, Holland, Sweden ...) and the image of Tabaqui as transmitter of rabies, could not help but link this to the econocracia * governing the world.

I, as Mogwli, hoping not to lose sight of La Selva. __

* The econocacia would be a form of government in the economy, do not know if it is described theoretically, but in practice, I find it difficult to find a better description.

PD1: The downside of this entry is that the writing could have been thinking about those social / political "very civilized and peaceful" that are 50 years researching and building peace in Colombia, and the results, conclusions and feelings had been the same.

PD2: When I started reading this book I did not expect to find a book with the hardness and strength of its characters. The watered down version of Disney, has little to do with the book, fortunately for our children (or not).

Friday, October 15, 2010

Panties Peeking Out Of Jeans

new stage ...

a new stage in trying to translate it looks lost in this space. Many changes have happened since the last entry (6 months) and many more since I stopped being updated regularly and became sporadic. In this new stage the only thing that will try to share with the usual and not so regular visitors, recurrent feelings I have every time I read a book. They will now apologize to (re) consider:

About human nature, no matter how French revolutions happen in the world, or how Mays of 68 occur in our countries. We were, are and will be small Jean Valjeans, Werthers, Genevieve, Tom Joads, Faust, Fermina Jaws or simply and nothing more than a small Calvin (but Calvin and Hobbes, not the other).

on social change: changed to remain the same. Unjust societies in the past have been replaced, or rather, have evolved into modern educated societies, but in most cases, equally selfish and unfair. Since the creation / emergence of the bourgeoisie, back in the twelfth century, a few have always lived the rest and to counter that the company has struggled to create a fairer system ... many people have died, disappeared many ideas but we are still struggling same. All we do is to swim in a sea of \u200b\u200bdough (Thanks Caloche).

on creativity: not despair, all is said, everything is meaningless. Your dreams, words and feelings, not yours, you belong to them. They are the only perennial.

The final question of this text would "Where I'm going with this new phase" ... well, I said to Lewis Carroll in Alice in Wonderland (by the way, a book that I could never finish):

- Where are you getting at?
- I do not care where ...
- In this case, no matter which direction you take, "said the Cat
- ...
- That's easy to get," said the Cat-Simply keep walking!

So the comments, ideas, ideas loose and bound, are welcome.

soon! ... (I hope)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Japanese Wedding Quotes

I know you want us to rejoice ... About

Hardly, and more after so long without leaving a grain of sand in this area, could an article to summarize the complexity of the situation in Colombia and the complexity of the feelings aroused by the death of criminals. Makes some (muchas!) entries wrote something that meant talking about the same and bring the same feeling that is described in the following article, however, as a good amateur, I could not even get close to the bottom of feeling . So without further ado ... Article by William Ospina (*)



The old remedy
By: William Ospina

I know you want us to rejoice in the death of Pablo Escobar. I know you want us to rejoice in the death of Mono Jojoy. I know you want us to rejoice in the death of Marulanda. And we rejoice in the death of getting even, Sangrenegra of Efrain Gonzalez.
glad I did not. I am not happy anyone's death. I think all those monsters were merely victims of an unjust society to the core, a company that manufactures industrial rhythm monsters, and I say publicly, that the true cause of all these monsters is the old Colombian leadership that has sustained for centuries a class society model, racist, exclusionary, where the law is for the poncho, and where the crib is still deciding whether someone will be hit man or president. Both

entrepreneurial talent that Mr. Escobar, become one of the richest men in the world, and dedicated to spend his fortune on revenge of all, make life impossible for others to challenge the State, police kill as any American movie in fly planes in the air: so abjection can not be explained with a simple theory of evil: not a villain anywhere becomes such a monster. And both

military talent like that man Marulanda, who gave war on this country for decades and died in his bed of natural causes, or at most of disappointment, unable to achieve something with their useless violence, but had the luxury of keeping a sad country in check half a century, and force the state to spend on bombs and what efforts did not want to spend on providing peasants calling bridges and some roads.

I know they want us to believe that these monsters are the only cause of the suffering of this nation for half a century, but I dare say it is not so . These monsters are children of a way to understand Colombia, in an administrator, a way to govern, and millions of Colombians know.

why Colombia found no peace with the extermination of the bandits of the fifties. Why not find peace with relentless war against the guerrillas of the sixties. Why not find peace after the demobilization of the M-19. Why not get peace, as we promised, when he was captured and extradited Ledher, and when Rodriguez Gacha was killed in the banana plantations in the Caribbean and shot Pablo Escobar on the rooftops of Medellín, and when they died Santacruz and Urdinola and Doe and Zutano and X and the poster and the poster, and neither made peace when he died Carlos Castaño on the thousands of bones of their victims, or when extradited Mancuso and Don Berna and Jorge 40, and all the others.

For these monsters are like fruits that spring and fall from the tree very well paid for injustice in Colombia. And so, even like us to believe it will be these and a thousand deaths that will bring happiness to Colombia, disorders arising from a stateless irresponsible leadership, I dare say it will not be an endless rain of bullets killing Colombian degraded, but a little bit of justice and generosity, which may finally bring peace and hope that half of the population mired in poverty, which is the groove where all spring and all the paramilitary fighters and all criminals in Colombia have been hired and all children who face other children in the hazardous maze of hills of Medellin, and wandering lurking in the outskirts of Cali and Pereira and Bogotá.

course kill the FARC and kidnapping, trafficking and extortion, profane and massacre every day, and of course the State has to fight, and it is normal to low to give the murderers and monsters. But do not call us joy that we do not ask us rejoice without end in every Colombian lost and perverted that falls every day in the eternal hunt for the monsters, and we believe that this solution is old and settled for Colombia solution true. Because if we continue on this mental model will not reach the remaining trees to make coffins of all offenders who have yet to be born.

Rather, what pain that this leadership has not created the conditions for Colombians who exercise do not have the crime and crime to survive. What a pain that Colombia is unable to assure every Colombian a place in the order of civilization, at school, at work, in social security, culture, healthy competition in social ceremonies, pride of a tradition and a memory. I personally am tired of feeling that our primary duty is hatred and our Party extermination.

Build a civilization. Give everyone a minimum of dignity and respect. Make every Colombian feels proud of who he is, and is not fraught with frustration and resentment. And see if Colombia is as bad as they want us to believe those who see violence in the state a painful last resort and to save the social order, but the only instrument, decade after decade, and the only remedy for old problems of the nation. ____

(*) This author has another article describing the situation in Colombia in a very interesting Where is the yellow stripe?