Friday, October 15, 2010

Panties Peeking Out Of Jeans

new stage ...

a new stage in trying to translate it looks lost in this space. Many changes have happened since the last entry (6 months) and many more since I stopped being updated regularly and became sporadic. In this new stage the only thing that will try to share with the usual and not so regular visitors, recurrent feelings I have every time I read a book. They will now apologize to (re) consider:

About human nature, no matter how French revolutions happen in the world, or how Mays of 68 occur in our countries. We were, are and will be small Jean Valjeans, Werthers, Genevieve, Tom Joads, Faust, Fermina Jaws or simply and nothing more than a small Calvin (but Calvin and Hobbes, not the other).

on social change: changed to remain the same. Unjust societies in the past have been replaced, or rather, have evolved into modern educated societies, but in most cases, equally selfish and unfair. Since the creation / emergence of the bourgeoisie, back in the twelfth century, a few have always lived the rest and to counter that the company has struggled to create a fairer system ... many people have died, disappeared many ideas but we are still struggling same. All we do is to swim in a sea of \u200b\u200bdough (Thanks Caloche).

on creativity: not despair, all is said, everything is meaningless. Your dreams, words and feelings, not yours, you belong to them. They are the only perennial.

The final question of this text would "Where I'm going with this new phase" ... well, I said to Lewis Carroll in Alice in Wonderland (by the way, a book that I could never finish):

- Where are you getting at?
- I do not care where ...
- In this case, no matter which direction you take, "said the Cat
- ...
- That's easy to get," said the Cat-Simply keep walking!

So the comments, ideas, ideas loose and bound, are welcome.

soon! ... (I hope)


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