Wednesday, June 11, 2008

How To Send Sms About Baby Born

Discussion solar drip

Thanks to Raúl comment I heard that there is discussion and opinion about the solar drip:


I see no other way to contact you to write a comment. Well, then here goes. For if you take a look it has generated a discussion on solar drip; topics

The truth is that when one inquires into distilled water find all kinds of opinions. If we add the use of PET, it all becomes even more confusing.

Moreover, the project I feel great, your beds are Majis and the system seems to work well, but perhaps not conclusive proof that this amounts to health, as we know, for example excessive nitrogenation leafy vegetables, etc ... so I do not know if you wanted to enter "analysis" within the project to complete the results. I guess that pose a soil analysis for items such as phthalates, antimony, etc., could end up rounding the project, both in soil and vegetables. "I know there

The SODIS Foundation, etc, in relation to the use of PET plastic, but I think your initiative could be very good for years to come very dry and clear no such confusion detract from your work and knowledge.

Thank you for publishing and sharing.


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