Friday, October 16, 2009

Male Peeing Frequently

Plato and Adam Smith

Plato argued that human beings have three main engines on the choices we make: I, Reason and Thymos. The first two make society progress as they are the basis on which inventions are born and improves quality of life. While thymos is the need for social recognition, personal, economic, but above all personal recognition.

desire and reason proposed by Plato, use it to explain the theories of Adam Smith, simplifying its proposal assumes that the market can self-regulate through the sum of rational decisions taken individually. Try to explain this theory with an example: the price of housing. Buying a home is perhaps the most important investment a family can do throughout your life and therefore no one in sound logic is willing to invest their savings buying a house that is above its real price. If each of the individuals in a society act this way, the market regulates itself, because no one will pay more than what things are worth and so the prices are always in equilibrium. A logic. That's the beauty of economists, who often give the impression of design an economic system that works like a perpetual motion machine. A machine that is lost and never stops its operation or profit.

Yesterday, coming by car from Barcelona in a traffic jam trying to imagine the reasons why the bases of the model proposed by A. Smith (desire and reason) have not been applied to the movement of vehicles, as extrapolating the example of housing, sound logic nobody is willing to risk your life or your car (depends on the order of priorities), in an accident transit. This means that if we apply the model of self-traffic, speed limits in roads would not be necessary nor the priorities of way, not at the traffic lights, so the sense of the way if necessary because the system must channel their energy efficiently. However, this does not happen. The road rules is becoming more explicit, more clear and strict thymos trying to control the drivers.

If I compare the self-applied to traffic management and applied to the economy, I think economists should learn from those responsible for road safety in the sense give it the importance it deserves the thymos in our everyday decisions, it is that the main motivation we have to find the shortest and fastest path between two points, which pushes us to go first when the light turns green for a light or think I have priority in passing, that drives us to be the first to reach the next red light. If economists had realized that not only we desire and reason but also thymos, their models would come much closer to reality and move away from his fruitful imagination.

PD. Plato Plato only called ??... only one name or surname?

Monday, September 28, 2009

Capillaries On My Legs

of rites, ceremonies, nationalities and other inventions

leave tomorrow forever be alone Colombiano, starting tomorrow I will also be English ... I do not know what changes represent that in my daily life, in my view the world and what happens in it. I have no idea. All I know is that something must change, because we are animals where rituals and gestures to consolidate an additional layer that already and that we bring up our identity.

In something I need to change because I think what we are is just a long, steady and endless amount of rites and ceremonies. Some examples:
  • the day before and the day after the graduation ceremony of the college or university, are just as ignorant to ourselves but to others are receiving immense knowledge, so immense, that rarely could we know it is;
  • parents who want to ensure your child's eternal life after finite life just because of baptized, while others seek give a "civic welcome" their children so they do not fall into the confusion of religion
  • marry a cold and dreary before a judge and that is the happiest day of his life, however, for others the day happiest is when the priest says "you may kiss the bride"
  • the English when they came to America were surprised by the rites of some Indian wild to decapitate their enemies or worshiped the sun, these same Indians could not believe in the barbarous customs of the English to burn heretics and worship two sticks in a cross.
Crossing a border, country, city, neighborhood, home ... any line, any wall, any border ... are just gestures, which can be reduced to a few centimeters or seconds between the "before" and the "after." However, I believe that all borders and rites which we believe necessary and indispensable in our daily lives are just inventions of our mind to feel safer, to find ourselves and not get lost in the world, inventions need to know who we are, but above all, to see who is the other. The dreaded other.

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Kiss By Joby Talbot Sheet Music

Who said the following statements?

"Once the people have spoken, nobody else has the right to rule"

"The judicial structure must enter into a profoundly new and different phase "

In this time of political distress, everywhere are phrases and political statements that if you do not know who says, can be used as shields or stone without affecting in any substance. The above sentences will have been said any politician in any country. For example of a country in "developing" as Alvaro Uribe following his reelection in Colombia, a country in transformation of their structures, such as Hugo Chavez defended his Bolivarian project, or a country belonging to the small group of countries world's most influential, the G-7, as Berlusconi defending himself ... but despite those suspected of political spectrum and very different objectives, this phrase is said Josep-Lluis Carod-Rovira, Vice President of the Generalitat de Catalunya and a former president of the Catalan political parties whose aim is to achieve independence Catalonia from the rest of Spain.

In Colombia, Venezuela, Italy, Spain, Catalunya ... matters are all the same and we are all the same ...

Link to news: La Vanguardia

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Repairing A 1970's Talking Gi Joe Torso

The same questions, same answers

long time, long time not updating this space. The work in times of crisis we must devote more time and developments in my personal life are the main reasons for not doing so. But I do not think a day goes by that does not think "this might be interesting for the blog" and sometimes even mentally write the first paragraph, without ever becoming an entry.

However, this pause has also been a good opportunity to listen to the world from which it can sometimes feel disconnected and forget about their existence and transformations. So trying to see what has changed in my environment, I reread those blank looks that have been left in this space.

A cursory reading makes me think the dynamic that drives the world remains the same, the news is the same:
  • mutating name, but always hidden behind idealized identities or fragile securities, now
  • summer time in Europe, the owners are the same (beware of the heat, "becomes the sun and the beach," the problem of tourists "...)
  • fear what is different does not change,
  • thanks to the crisis there is a consensus on the need to change the model, but gives the impression that we hope that this change does not affect my daily life and much less the possibility that you pass this juncture, we can buy what they want regardless of what we need,
  • although many are still some very obvious truths, there are still some who do not we see only two colors (black or white): immigration, guerrillas, Uribe, Obama Europe, "capital or death,"
  • football and the circus that is mounted on its environment is still the opium of the people in Colombia
  • still present the same argument to "belt out" in which neither the one nor the other, we realized that while we cry, the others will die (in the jungle or on the street),
Anyway, read this space After months of not updating it seems to me that is the same subject, the same fears, the same sensations, written with more or less words ... re-read this space gives me the feeling of riding on a boat ride in a sea \u200b\u200bwith a current always returns to the beach and the beach. do not intend to flee from the beach, on the contrary, all I want is to see from a distance. Back

proofread in this space is like a déjà vu of very long-winded and the question remains the same: What sense does this space? ...

* Thanks to LFPH from Cartagena (Colombia) who was the trigger for this seudoentrada.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Letter To New Members Of The Church

What can we do?

• Buy only what you need
• Avoid unnecessary packaging
• And when we decide that something no longer serves us, that something may have several destinations:
• Can be used by another person
• You can change your function and return to be useful to us, or
• Can be recycled and cease to be waste into raw material for another process
• garbage can become a problem so

to recycle, you must first remove

• In the yard of your school has in place a structure with several containers, serves to ensure that waste is not mixed and can be recycled

• The waste will be recycled need to be clean and dry
• There are seven containers, seven colors, each for a different type of waste

Rubber Band On Wrist Method

Residues in Mexico City

• Trash much space and is difficult to find where to put, stinks and is ugly, pollutes the air, soil and water, wildlife habitat and produces harmful greenhouse gases ... yes, those that cause global warming

• Litter is made up of mixed waste: for leftovers, for things that will not do for a job and remains

• All waste generated are actually remnants, waste of natural resources, so when you throw and waste them, we are wasting materials that could be used as raw material and avoided greater extraction of resources

• Those who live in Mexico City produce a lot of garbage every day and every hour. But we can not continue and we must do something! and let's do it together!

• Tells you that one man's trash is another man's treasure, and means that each of us decide whether something is a waste

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Afrin Nasal Spray Throat

few blank looks from Barcelona Searching

In a previous post talked about how the sub-city-those who walk many people as we tucked into the metro-is transformed to the extent proceeds travel. Today I want to refer to the reverse journey and have to blow possibly unconnected images and reflections, the blank looks that inspire me this piece of city.

right outside my office is a building whose facade is of a type of glass during the day prevents inward look but when it starts to get dark, the hours in which people supposedly stops working - and the lights of each cubicle, privacy is completely lost and you can see the gestures of people or meetings that are being made at the time. When the nights pass in front of this building, I like to think of it as a honeycomb-both for its honey-colored cubicles as its geometry, which is closed during the day and night, like a Big Brother can be seen without restriction on what happens inside.

I get to the corner and look Bicing stop, a bike rental system that on paper is ideal for a city like Barcelona, \u200b\u200bbut in my reality a lost opportunity. Took about four months without access to this service because the stations are always empty. This can be evidence of its success or demonstration of the lack of foresight. It all depends.

As I have no illusions in the hope you get a bicycle, I walk and drive through a very large park. I think of the fortune they have children around the park, because in the middle of Barcelona have a space like this is a privilege. However, while I think about it, I see a sign saying that there is forbidden to play with the ball, use bicycles or walk on the lawn. It seems that was prohibited everything that makes a child and it scares me to think that with so many rules we are creating good citizens rather than small children simply nothing more or less children.

In the corner of the park is a newsstand and I stop my correspondent for "uninformed" reading only the headlines. Leo Henry, the famous French player of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bsaid that "Catalonia is not Spain and that has to feel it" and understand the joy of those who have taken as their slogan of political struggle this difference: famous alien had understood his position. Good for them. But I can not help wondering if perhaps I had not said the same of another region where, for mainly economic reasons, was playing. I think all the sites are so radically different from the others, that to know is to sit down, and vice versa. Sometimes I get the impression that for some people to be Catalan is just be a fan of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bCatalunya want independence and have the sole language of Catalan. However, I am increasingly convinced that this is just a way to be Catalan and possibly a way that leaves out many other things that can be as valuable or even more.

Next to Henry's headline, I read in big yellow letters on red background-are-not who asked his son to do paternity testing, believing that the son of his daughter, ie his own grandson, not his. In another journal I see that the couple took the tests and, yes, but a son is his; end of history: grandmother and child happy, mother's ex-suspect. Besides these two stories I hear, yet again, that one member of the Catalan government disagrees with the other two (the current government is formed by a coalition of three parties: a separatist, an ecologist and a socialist) . Perhaps this is one of those cases where democracy and tolerance do not mean to rule together with different parties, but simply as different parties attempt to preserve their share of power at all costs.

Finally, I leave the newsstand and I head to the city's most curious of my journey: in the corner there is a real estate agency specializing in luxury homes, then an Italian restaurant and a clothing store and then extreme sports a brothel. Yes, just as if nothing, a brothel in the middle of a residential and living with shops of all kinds. Nothing to do with these degraded areas of the city with which I have always associated this activity. But it is the exception, a distance of 80 meters there are two brothels "normal" one design and another for homosexuals, a total of four brothels living with stores of "life" and houses of ordinary families. These places, brothels are so integrated into commercial and residential network, more than once I saw how the Chinese restaurant down the street there comes a group of prostitutes to keep their working hours while some children bring their parents to a nursing home which is next door to one of these locations, or while coming from school children accompanied by their nanny. This diversity has allowed me to walk a few meters with some of the workers at these sites, eavesdropping conversations and even smell the perfumes they use.

Just after residential and commercial area, there is a street where there are many offices and teeming with the Audi, Mercedes and Porsche late model. Although I am not very fond of this theme, it makes me curious to see inside these cars. Weird things always see: the board design, the number of buttons now has the handle or the size of the chairs. One day, at about 4 pm I saw that in a late-model Peugeot were two well dressed men talking, and gestures, showing each other something they had in their hands. As he passed them and noticing his hands I saw in a quick and absolutely desperate gesture, one of them, who was best dressed, was disappearing under his nose two lines of white powder that was very well aligned on your iPod . No comments.

From this point to my bus stop, everything is less strange, or at least after seven years so it seems: the streets are clean and mostly adapted for the blind, disabled or indirectly, to parents who go with their baby strollers along the platforms, people respect the pedestrian crossing and cars the traffic lights at the bus stop, and although there is no bus, we all queue waiting to arrive, without having to worry about if someone comes to steal.

While I wait patiently for the bus leaves on time, I'm glad I'm in a city of its size and diversity seems to be made to be walked, and by its diversity, to be enjoyed.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Whatis Jamaican Traditional Dress


• Do you remember everything you did not know whether you should place in another container? Well, all that and more goes here

• Everything you deposit here is because it has no other option to use, it will go away and will have to occupy a space in a landfill. It is therefore very important that when you identify this type of waste, prevent or reduce their consumption

• 7% of the waste we produce fall into this category

  • fabrics and yarn

  • Shoes

  • Paints, paintbrushes

  • glue containers and PRIT

  • Toys Toothbrushes

  • cellophane

  • chewed gum wrapped

  • Napkins

  • Tetra pack

  • disks and tapes

  • All waste that can not be recycled

White Stuff On Her Clitt



• In the structure of separation that we place in your school yard, deposited in the red container and cellular batteries

• Inside the cells there are different heavy metals and acids that are very harmful if released, so no special handling them

cell production uses coltan and in its extraction destroys the habitat of gorillas remaining 3000 in the Congo

Lhdpfilm Watch Online

• No need to burn! Delivered to a tanker truck
• They are 7% of the waste produced in the city

cotton gauze and healing
  • Toilet paper Sanitary Pads

  • Tissues

  • Bandages
  • broken needles syringes

Translation Of Bisaya To Tagalog


• Glass takes 4000 years to degrade, is 8% of the waste produced

Bottles Bottles

  • Cups Vases

  • Perfumer

  • confectioners marbles

Long Term Effects Of Blood Donation


• It takes between 4 months to over a year to decompose and represent 18% of the waste we produce
• For every ton of cardboard and paper recycling are no longer cut 17 trees

  • Waste Paper

  • clean notebooks

  • cardboard

  • magazines newspapers

  • boxes

Birthday Party Locations In Bangalore

• The plastic takes to decompose over 150 years and is the 9% of the waste we produce in the city

  • containers of yogurt, cream, soda, oil, shampoo, detergent, water

  • jugs

  • dishes, cutlery and cups

  • broken geometry Games

  • Food Containers

  • Reels of tape and spiral notebook

Pirate Toy Chest Planes


The metal is 8% of the waste produced in Mexico City

An aluminum It takes hundreds of years to degrade

Aluminum Recycling is important because to produce 1000 kg of aluminum is 3981 kg of bauxite used and to get thrown away thousands of km2 of forest

  • tacks, paper clips and staples Cans

  • bottle caps Aluminum foil

  • hair barrettes

  • pans, pots and pans
  • nuts, screws and nails

  • compass spiral notebook decomposed

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These wastes decompose in a controlled manner to produce compost, a fertilizer used to improve soil and nourish plants. Produce compost is easy and you can do at home and in your school. Check the manual "Home Composting" series "Let's do our part"

43% of all waste produced in the city is organic waste and take from weeks to several months to decompose.

  • pencil shavings

  • Borders

    bread apple Heart

    chicken bone, shells

    banana and orange seeds and bones

    Thursday, January 29, 2009

    Free Episodes Of Pinky And The Brain

    is fashionable now to talk about integration, immigration, multiculturalism, intercultural ... and all those words with many syllables, which seems to never go to has just made. Perhaps because it so fashionable these terms so abstract and difficult to specify, also outcrop complex feelings that appeal not to reason but to elements that have more to do with our identity, and therefore, more visceral : country, nation, culture God ... Of all of them would say we could have some idea of \u200b\u200bwhat they mean to us, but certainly when compared to its neighbor are so different that some discussion, not always pleasant-emerge: what is my culture, how I define my identity, where it ends I consider my nation and my country. We all have some idea of \u200b\u200bwhat it means to us, but it would be difficult to describe in full, as on this issue like no other, the total is more than the sum of its parts.

    On the complexity of defining our identity, recently I came across an Internet discussion about the social / cultural that has and will have 27% of children born in 2008 in Catalunya at least one parent is an immigrant . As expected, in a society - and I am not only referring to the Catalan-where immigration over the past 5 years has been considered a major concern, this issue has brought to the surface views for everyone. Since the radicals who demanded expulsion for immigrants by the fact not born in this land, even those who were glad to know the mixture of races and cultures that were taking place. Among the comments was one that caught my attention since I do not remember hearing it before as an argument to defend it "yours." The commentator was saying that the first thing is to meet the needs of housing, health and education to the same "blood" *.

    guess (and hope) that the idea of \u200b\u200b"blood" was referring to this commentary is that first you should take to "own", understood in a sense of family and friends, and then to those just arrive. To which I reaffirm the theory that human beings when confronted with their fears appeals to saying "we are all equal but some more equal than others." But I will not talk about it, because I think it's a natural reaction and unfortunately common. I'd rather talk about what scares me: imagine that what this anonymous commenter was referring was that social rights are acquired only through inheritance of blood. I say, for reviewing some online forums where they discuss these issues, I realize this, the blood, is increasingly common.

    think that even fulfill my duties as a citizen (labor, taxes, civic spirit ...) do not give me all the rights that entails, and simply is a toll to get anywhere, I'm afraid.

    scares me to think that when I read that some people think that "first blood", refers to the sense of obtaining those rights through a random mix of chromosomes. I dread to think of the children of the children of immigrants who, like me, are the result of an infinite mixture of blood from different origins, cultures and races. In my mingles the blood of my ancestors blacks, Indians, English, Lebanese ... Something tells me that for people who think that way, this mixture of blood to disable me that while I fulfill my duties, be immediate beneficiary of the same rights as a person with "pure blood."
    that is conditioned by the media, but I can not help connect people who think that way with those "characters" who believe they have the pure blood and go down the street with a shaved head, defiant and dark clothes. You may be conditioned, but it may be that my survival instinct is telling me that the aggressive gesture of these "characters" is simply an act of desperation as they seek their neurons. That's why when I see them looking their neurons in the eyes of others, because I'm more afraid that they will find their neurons, like coins, in my own humanity. ---

    * I tried searching this comment and it was that inspired this entry, but can not find it.

    Wednesday, January 14, 2009

    Ankle Ache When Driving

    neurons on the holidays and immigration

    Living away from where you grew up and the environment that has shaped the way we face and watch the world, is an experience over time is much richer that painful. In most cases, the sadness of the first months or years to be away from the "yours" seems to make the experience of living in another culture and see the world from another point of view. Over time you realize that slowly people considered "other" have become part of "yours", also on a personal level, without really knowing why, you begin to feel less strange, and even more adapted to the new culture. That's when the fact of living miles away from your nest, is slowly reversed. From the sadness of the distance, spend the wealth that means seeing your country, to "own" and yourself from a distance. to your identity you've added a new category of immigrant.

    For those who emigrated seeking a new life and chasing dreams, there are special events that go beyond what is learned in your childhood. 're kind of rituals by which we return to our roots to reaffirm our identity despite the distance and time.

    At this time, at least for the vast majority of Latin Americans I know, we like to relive the Christmas that we lived in our home countries, we want to pray the novena, so be it little or big believer ", singing carols, wait Baby Jesus arrives. A week later, we're hoping the new year listening to the radio at full volume waiting to sing "there are five pa 'twelve-year is going to end, and then amid hugs and omens, to wish a happy new year, while for enter and leave the door neighbors, close friends and distant and even many strangers looking in different voices and drunkenness, happy new year. That's how I remember Christmas in Colombia.

    As you can imagine, these habits can be aggressive noisy for those who never lived and who his way to celebrate the new year, for example, the bells around the television transmitting and not around a computer sound, and then continue the party at the table and not on the dance floor. Two such different ways that I find them impossible to compare, it would be like comparing the sun and moon, may have many things in common, but are so different that one can not put them in the same boat.

    is for this that I think it was difficult to tell an immigrant who has entire year learning a new language, trying to transform their customs, traditions and beliefs, which at this time, when most needed is to reaffirm their identity, saying that these parties held no annoying as they are cultural patterns of the earth that receives . But be very careful, I'm not saying it for the sake of integration and tolerance should be permitted to all the immigrants to retain its identity. By contrast, I also make the claim as an immigrant to understand this difference. That is, on one hand claim to the "native" to try to prevent the immigrants remove their traditions and rituals without first making an effort to understand, and, on the other hand, I I demand as an immigrant to understand that Joe Arroyo at full volume between 3 and 5 am, to put the simplest example, does not always mean happiness, but insomnia may also represent for the people who are not accustomed.

    In this game to learn to live together, I think it may be convenient that I've ever heard in relation to how complicated it can be coexistence: "never forget that you marry the partner defects, then with its qualities, either marry ". Ultimately what I mean is that in this integration process can not pretend that all they see and tolerate, are the qualities the other (labor, free healthcare ...), but we understand that this is a marriage (unexpected, but necessary for both parties) between natives and newcomers and is not a summer adventure. It is a marriage for many years and if we do not want to see us face every now and then before a judge to teach us to live together, must learn to walk with other people's shoes.

    Monday, January 5, 2009

    What Will Have Immense Value In The Year 2200

    standard You take your newborn. After a long wait comes the bus must drive you home. As he climbs, passengers look at him with that look of solidarity and affection that wake the babies. While they look at you with his eyes seeking the seat-arms is tired and afraid of falling- but can not find at first sight. decides to stand on one side of the aisle to go and bother less and safer. A passenger saw the sleeping child's face and his face somewhat tired, we decided to ask the lady in the chair is designed for these cases, if you can stop to let it sit. The lady in question, in his fifties, is careful with his dress, high heels takes seems to me, more than recommended, which combines perfectly with his pants and glasses. He looks a little tired and you can understand, because your feet leads purchases of designer clothes has done during the day. When a passenger asks if he can give place for you to sit with your baby and to rest, but above all, to be more secure, the lady with the voice necessary for the entire bus can hear you say that "No . I'm tired and do not want to stand. If you give me the child and I'll take it, but I do not stop. " Silence takes over the bus and when asked why does she, in a conscious and almost rehearsed gesture, gives an argument that made the silence was bigger "because as it happens to stop me, perhaps when climbing children give me the job ?"... "Ie you do not" replied the passenger, because children do not do ?"... "Yeah, so what!".

    Given this response, silence disappears and all who heard the reasons for the lady, do not do more than recrimination. She, immutable, look out the window . The type of comments and the tone was varied. As you are tired and afraid that the noise wakes her son, does the same as the lady is silent and looks out the window. But it can not help but see the eyes of others. When I look at you, feel the solidarity and lack of understanding of the arguments of the woman. But when they look at her, clearly sees the looks of disapproval of his attitude, even almost with contempt. Looks like a pendulum, they look you and look at it. That if all this exchange of looks, you are still standing, the child is about to wake up and people are comfortably seated in front of you, do not stop to comment including what you just saw, and even let you know you, with their eyes and a slight nod, "is the height to happen."

    While all this happens, the bus has run its course. You arrive at your stop without being seated with a child between asleep and awake. is lowered with a heart full of caring glances to his situation and with tired legs from standing. People who were seated, they are heading not stop looking and express solidarity so just live. You feel that solidarity is sincere, who are with you and disapprove the attitude of the lady, however, as often happens, what you needed was not solidarity of looks, you need something much simpler. A chair to be safer.

    On reaching the house, thinking that perhaps the sincerity of the woman who refused to stand is much more transparent than the eyes of others. And you get scared. The respected for his sincerity, and you can even admire her for speaking out so openly, but do not want to be like her. Http://