Monday, March 1, 2010

How To Make Pokemon Shiny In Your Party

This will fix elections among all

Since its inception, this small space has been open to input from different people. This weekend a dear friend generously wanted to share with me the text below. I hope this is neither the first nor the only, nor the last involving her. Anyway. Without further ado. The text.

last week presented the Foundation Trust , nonprofit organization whose purpose "is to launch a project that promotes values \u200b\u200bin society, acting as a lever to recovery disappeared with the confidence crisis " . Within this framework creates " this will fix it all together " , a website which gives space for anyone to contribute ideas" to fix it, "to share experiences, concerns, but also inspiring stories of people with enthusiasm, dedication and commitment have made a situation crisis into an opportunity to build new horizons.

Ana Homet

----- I guess until one comes to the possibility of slipping into an abyss, does not discover all the capabilities to save face life and the difficulties that loom at every step. I guess the fear of the abyss we are forced to take control of our lives in adulthood. Ie, responsible, and not depend on anyone but ourselves. And I suppose, that the issue is not so much "if we leave", but "despite that we do not stop." Talk, communicate, share, the experiences of others not only allows us to relativize our problems and learn from the experiences of others in similar cases, but allows us to build references and horizons made by others. Knowing that someone could achieve what we scarcely dare to dream, give us license to believe that it is possible and release our potential to achieve our aims. Whether we get them or not. But above all, and most importantly in this process is to contact the other, it gives us the warmth and support we all need to get through each day, and to give meaning to our life experience. However, there a lack of public space. And when I say I do space from the perspective of space / time. This lack results in loneliness that impoverish our potential to be, to create. And in this case to find solutions that, ultimately, well beyond the individual and that has to do with a living, fair, just, and prosperous for each of the members of our society.

As part of this still small but fantastic betting public space of the Foundation Trust, I would propose the promotion of actions aimed at developing a culture of space / time group to allow us to communicate, share and create imaginative ways improve relationships, from structures simple to the more abstract.

But as a generic and complex, I propose something a little more concrete, why not promote forums, films and projections cycles where resilience is the dominant trend?. There are films that transmit and teaching experiences of people and groups that in difficult times, with perseverance, tenacity, positive attitude, not only managed to get ahead, but emerge stronger and reach a better life. It would be a great opportunity to exercise the construction of common spaces, shared horizons, which develop our potential and need to communicate. An opportunity to create a space where we can learn not only the history of the protagonists, but also those who see them.

Through art and entertainment initiatives such as film, you could try to zoom in and live the experience of others with whom we might feel easily identified, followed and less isolated in our problems.

Thank you for this initiative!. Http://


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